When it comes to home loans, there can be a lot of confusion with different options and fees. Often times you might get quoted a rate thinking you got a great deal, then all of sudden here come the hidden fees that you never anticipated. It’s an unfortunate strategy some mortgage companies employ to draw potential clients in with a loan that seems great, only to sneak in all kinds of fees after you speak with them.
At PrimeLending, we make the whole home loan process very transparent with our Customize Your Mortgage program. We are a Springfield lender servicing the entire state of Missouri. We offer a wide array of home loan products like conventional loans, FHA loans, VA loans, jumbo loans and USDA loans just to name a few. Just like every person is different, each loan program is different and one might be better for one client than another one. With our Customize Your Mortgage program, we put more power in your hands by letting you pick a rate and payment. Then once you’ve got your rate we won’t surprise with all sorts of fees.
We offer no closing cost, no appraisal, and no PMI (mortgage insurance). This way you’ll know the rate you qualify for is what you’ll be paying, and you won’t be hit by any surprise fees right before closing. To see how much you can qualify you can use our free Mortgage Assistant tool. From there we can start creating the perfect loan program for you. We look forward to hearing for you.