When you start searching for a home loan, you’ll see that most lenders are searching for “triple threat” applicants. No, I’m not talking about people who can act, sing, and dance well. I’m talking about a borrower’s triple threat—someone who has an excellent credit rating, a large down payment, and a steady job that gives …
Finding a Mortgage with Low or No Down Payment
When many home buyers start looking into home loans, their primary concern isn’t making monthly mortgage payments. After all, if you choose a modest home, your mortgage payments might be equal to (or even less than!) what you’d been paying in rent each month. No, often the biggest concern for home buyers is the down …
Home Loans for Self Employed Borrowers
Self employment can be liberating or terrifying, depending on the day. The joys of being your own boss and pursuing your dream come along with the struggle to maintain a stable income and the risk of failure. Plus, without the fixed salary that comes along with traditional employment, it can be difficult for self employed homebuyers to …
Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early?
Whether you’re making mortgage payments or paying rent, housing is probably a significant portion of your budget. Have you ever dreamt about what it would be like to finally own your home? With your loan paid off, your housing costs will plummet and you will be able to spend that extra money any way that you …
Is Your Mortgage Drowning You? Get Underwater Mortgage Help
Drowning is a scary, scary thing. When your mortgage is underwater (which means you owe more than your property is worth), you need to stop and consider your options carefully. Finding underwater mortgage help is a difficult process and there aren’t any certain, easy answers. Some might say you should continue paying, hoping the market …